What do ENT doctors treat?
Conditions of the ear, nose and throat are often trivialised. Many people believe they have to simply live with annoyances like allergies, interrupted sleep, waxy ears and temporary hearing loss, but think about how significantly any of these health conditions can affect your daily routine. They’re a frustrating distraction that often prevents you from performing your work to the best of your ability, or take full enjoyment from your leisure pursuits. We’re constantly being told ‘Life is too short’, but if we’re living unnecessarily with minor health problems that can easily be resolved, we’re not living our best lives. If you’re worried about the symptoms you’re experiencing in your ear, nose, or throat, you need an ENT specialist.
What prevents people from ENT conditions from visiting an ENT specialist? In some cases, it’s the lack of knowledge about who to approach. In others, it’s a fear of doctors. If either of these reasons are what’s preventing you from contacting an ENT doctor, let’s see if we can help put your mind at ease.
What do ENT specialists do?
Jonathan Hughes is a professional, highly experienced ENT specialist, who can provide treatment for a large range of ENT-related health problems. It’s normal to feel a bit apprehensive about what a particular procedure might involve, but Jonathan will explain every step of the process to you so you’ll know what will happen and when, as well as the results you can hope to achieve. There will be no surprises and adequate pain relief will be supplied to ensure you’re comfortable throughout.
Ear conditions that can be treated by an ENT specialist
Eardrum perforations are common and are caused by a tear in the membrane between the inner and outer ear. It can be the result of a change in pressure, an ear infection, or because the ear has been poked with an object. Symptoms include pain, excess drainage and hearing loss. An ENT doctor will examine the severity of the damage this has caused and provide a solution based on the individual case. You may simply need antibiotics, but larger tears will benefit from being patched up. Other common ear problems include Meniere’s disease which causes sufferer to feel dizzy and excessive ear wax.
Nasal problems that an ENT doctor can remedy
From sinusitis to nasal polyps, and deviated septums, an ENT doctor will need to see you in order to diagnose your nasal problems. Sleep apnoea can also be resolved through nasal treatment. Possibly one of the most common conditions ENT can treat effectively is allergies. Are allergies making your life a misery? Why not make an appointment with Jonathan and say goodbye to them for good?
Treating conditions of the neck
An ENT specialist will treat tonsillitis and vocal cord cysts, but bear in mind that on top of conditions that may seem trivial, he or she will also be the most relevant medical professional to deal with head and neck cancer. If you have any neck lumps that you haven’t had checked, please get in touch to book a consultation. With cancer, the earlier it’s caught, the better the chance you have of receiving effective treatment. Jonathan treats all his patients in comfortable, confidential surroundings.
To find out more about the services provided by our ENT specialist in Harley Street, London please get in touch.