Based in London, our ENT specialist Jon Hughes can help with a range of ear, nose and throat concerns, including problems with the thyroid, snoring issues and even removing lumps in the throat. Today, we’re turning our attention to an extremely common problem: snoring. Find out what causes it, why it’s such a concern and how you can treat snoring at home.
What causes snoring?
Snoring is essentially the sound created by breathing disruption while you’re asleep. At the least, it can be an embarrassing habit; at the worst, it can affect your sleep and others’.
What does snoring sound like?
It can sound like whistling, popping, grunting, gurgling and more – anything that causes vibrations at the back of the throat and base of the tongue. While different sounds might indicate different problems, it’s not yet possible to diagnose the cause by the sound alone.
How can I treat snoring at home?
There are many ways to treat snoring. You can use special wedge pillows to prop yourself up and help the airways to stay open during sleep. You can also use nasal sprays, mouth tape and special mouthpieces, like tongue retainers and mandibular devices, to put your mouth into a better position for sleep. Those who have sleep apnoea may also use a special machine, called a CPAP, which uses a mask to blow air into the airways to keep them open.
Why is snoring a problem?
Snoring can have the potential to become obstructive sleep apnoea, which is where the walls of the throat narrow during sleep and causes you to wake up repeatedly during the night.
What are risk factors for snoring?
Those who are overweight, sleep on their back, sleep with their mouth open and have blockages in the nose can all develop snoring. Smoking and drinking alcohol can also play a part.
Who is most susceptible to developing snoring problems?
As well as the things we’ve mentioned, the over 50s, men, and those with concerns like overbite (where the top set of teeth overhand the bottom) and small nostrils can all develop sleeping problems. In addition, pregnant women can also be at risk of developing a snoring problem.
What else can I try for my snoring?
Give Jon Hughes a call. Our expert team, based here in, Harley Street, London, can arrange a snoring consultation and discuss possible snoring treatments with you. Don’t leave you or your partner to suffer – enquire about our snoring treatments today.