Are you weighing up the pros and cons of sinus surgery? Have you already undergone the procedure? Or are you simply reading up more about sinus treatment – perhaps for a friend or family member? Then it will help to read today’s blog, where we talk more about what’s involved in sinus surgery aftercare, including some common dos and don’ts.
A note about the sinuses
Before we get into the details of sinus surgery recovery, let’s briefly explain what your sinuses are, where they’re located and how they help your body. Essentially, they’re a network of cavities in your face that make mucus, and help to drain away bacteria and viruses that might otherwise cause infection.
Do: rest well
After undergoing sinus surgery, some people need a few days’ rest before they can go back to their usual activities – so you may need to book a week off work. Your sinuses will need to heal and it may take several days before you feel your usual self.
Don’t: drive after surgery
You’ll likely be under some anesthetic for your sinus treatment, so afterwards, you’ll need to wait for this to wear. In most cases, you won’t need to stay in hospital and can go home on the night of the procedure (though we’d recommend someone else drives – just in case).
Do: be careful about exercising
As it sounds, this is a type of surgery and there is recovery time. So, we advice that you only do gentle exercise, like walking, during this period. If you’re in any doubt, talk to us.
Don’t: take the wrong medication
Over-the-counter pain relief, such as ibuprofen, may not always be recommended after sinus surgery, so do talk to your specialist about this. A saline spray may be suggested to keep the sinuses lubricated and prevent any ‘crusting’ as they heal.
Do: be aware of side-effects
As with any surgical procedure, there’s always a risk of side effects. Many patients experience nasal dripping or mucus after sinus treatment, and this may be tinged with blood. Try not to over-blow your nose for around a week, as your sinuses may feel sensitive as you recover. If you notice anything unusual or are in a great deal of pain, it’s wise to get in touch with us.
Do: book your sinus surgery with Jon Hughes
As an ENT specialist in Harley Street, we can help you with any ear, nose and throat concerns and even carry out your sinus surgery. Find out more by arranging a consultation at our medical practice today.